Delayed Joy

Alexander Lyadov
2 min read6 days ago


September 2015, Kyiv region

Love and enjoyment of a new endeavor rarely come instantly.

I remember how I had to convince myself before each motorcycle school training: “I’ll go one more time, then I’ll decide.”

The motorcycle filled me with mystical fear and curiosity. I couldn’t explain either. But that impulse was enough to overcome my doubts and get back on the bike.

A year or two passed without me noticing. One day, I was practicing the figure-eight maneuver. A rather dull move. The infinity sign. An ouroboros biting its own tail.

Suddenly, I felt like I was merging with the machine, the road, and the world. Joy, harmony, peace, and love filled me to the brim. It was so exhilarating that I forgot about time, fatigue, and other tasks.

This experience changed everything. I found my personal answer to the question: “What is the meaning of riding?” Everything fell into place. Now, I could not only ride but also track progress like playing the hot and cold game.

By the way, I later found the answer to the question: “What is really worth fearing?” which I explained here.

I recall other times when I took on something new in business, hobbies, or sports. Each time, the pattern was similar:

  1. Vague curiosity.
  2. Doubts and frustrations.
  3. Epiphany.
  4. Rapid growth.

Sincerely yours,


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Alexander Lyadov

As a business therapist, I help tech founders increase the value of their business by unlocking the potential of their personality.