Not about glasses

Alexander Lyadov
2 min readJul 11, 2022

I used to have my favorite eyewear brand Lindberg. The company was founded on the principles of Danish design in 1986 by architect Henrik Lindberg and his father, optometrist Paul-Jorn. Thus a unique combination of architectural design and eye comfort occurred in the product. I accidentally tried the glasses on in an optician’s shop in Barcelona and couldn’t take them off. Ultra lightweight, thanks to the titanium frame. Almost invisible, they added a curious touch to my face.

For several years I enjoyed the perfect glasses-they kind of are and aren’t. But everything ends one day. My glasses broke, too. Whoever I turned to, in Ukraine or abroad, no one could fix them. I wore many stylish frames, but they were incomparable. So 12 years went by.

Recently I’ve been wondering if I need any of the material things and realized that I don’t. Except for these glasses (four-eyes will understand). Of course, the manufacturer has discontinued the frames. There are a couple on Ebay, but in different colors. On impulse, I googled for craftsmen. One habitually chagrined, “Not possible. It’s titanium.” But Master Mirza was reassuring: “No problem. Bring it in.” He has a contact at the factory.

Today I picked up the points — they’re perfect. But this case struck me as the extent to which my life depends on my assumptions. I went along with the false belief of most “pros”. And yet all these years I had the solution at my fingertips. So the problem is in me. But so is the solution.

Sincerely yours,


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Alexander Lyadov

As a business therapist, I help tech founders increase the value of their business by unlocking the potential of their personality.