Optimal Pain

Alexander Lyadov
2 min readFeb 19, 2024


Daniel Craig in Casino Royale, 2006

Pain differs. Take, for instance, the day after a workout.

There are three scenarios:

1. You can’t budge without a groan. Wrong. You halted your progress by pushing yourself too hard. Watch out: injury is around the corner.

2. No sensations at all. You may even wonder: “Did I lift weights yesterday?” Seems like your body adapted to the load. It’s better than nothing. But something has to change.

3. With every move, your body purrs: “I’m alive!” Muscles are not tired; they’re humming. Instead of painful soreness, there’s a pleasant ache. Clearly, your efforts yesterday were not in vain.

The third state is the “golden mean.” It helps ground your body, preventing you from getting stuck in your head. The latter is the scourge of mental laborers and neurotics.

When your body vibrates lively like a bowstring, your perspective shifts. You are not gloomy. Instead you’re eager to find a worthy goal.

By the way, it holds true for the corporate body as well.

Sincerely yours,


I write daily about creativity, freedom, and meaning.

As a business therapist, I help tech founders increase the value of their business by unlocking the potential of their personality. Testimonials from some of my clients are ​here​.

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Alexander Lyadov

As a business therapist, I help tech founders increase the value of their business by unlocking the potential of their personality.