Shared Direction

Alexander Lyadov
2 min readJun 28, 2024


Solvin Zankl

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What’s your criterion for choosing an employee or partner?

There are many options:

  • Professionalism
  • Industriousness
  • Responsibility
  • Intelligence
  • Integrity
  • Energy, etc.

My main criterion is the answer to the question: “Are we headed in the same direction?”

Why? If he (or she) needs to go the other way, then all his admirable qualities will turn against your business and you.

It’s fine if your paths align only for a short distance. Instead of a long-term collaboration, you’ll have a productive project.

The problem arises if you’re moving north, and he’s going south, or even northwest. Such divergence creates resistance, friction, boycott, and potentially rebellion.

It takes seasoned management experience to guess a person’s true goals, no matter what he says. Often, people don’t realize where the river of life (read: the subconscious) is carrying them.

But if you find a fellow traveler, you’re in luck. From there, it’s a matter of technique to reveal his strengths and smooth out his weaknesses.

By the way, an effective motivation system doesn’t create anything new; it merely amplifies what’s already there.

But there’s one catch. First, you need to answer the question of what your North Star is.

Sincerely yours,


Do you and your business need a boost? Then the Catalyst Session is designed specifically for you.

As a business therapist, I help tech founders increase their company’s value by catalyzing the changes they’ve needed for a long time. Testimonials from some of my clients are ​here​.

I write about creativity, freedom, and meaning.



Alexander Lyadov

As a business therapist, I help tech founders increase the value of their business by unlocking the potential of their personality.