The Curse of the Beginner

Alexander Lyadov
2 min readMar 22, 2023



Let’s say you decided to run, swim or jujitsu.

Should you buy fancy equipment? Definitely not!

Rest assured, you’ll only wear chic sneakers a couple of times.

Either way, you will soon give up on the sport. How come?

The very fact of such a purchase means that your energy is directed in the wrong place.

You forgot that function determines form, not the other way around.

A fancy kimono is something a white belt still has to earn.

The Olympic gods expect sacrifices from you — X number of fights or Y kilometers.

Better to take old sneakers or borrow your friend’s kimono.

After a few months, you will know what is essential and what can be neglected.

You may find that last year’s swimwear is still functional, but your daughter’s goggles need to be replaced ASAP.

Experienced entrepreneurs operate in the same way in their business.

They upgrade their tools based on necessity, not just wishes.

Only when the stone picked from the ground drives in nails with a profit, is a very high-quality hammer bought.

Yours sincerely,


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Alexander Lyadov

As a business therapist, I help tech founders increase the value of their business by unlocking the potential of their personality.